Canterbury Street Pastors, like all Street Pastor Schemes, is established through the Ascension Trust and operates on a partnership model often described as the ‘Urban Trinity’.
We accomplish this by partnering with local churches and enlisting supporters, the police, and local government to reach those in need.

Community Engagement
Canterbury Street Pastors have been working alongside Canterbury Bid, Purple Flag, Safer Streets Campaign, and the Canterbury Community Safety Partnership to help provide a safe environment in the city for students, residents, and visitors during nighttime. The Purple Flag accreditation scheme recognizes cities for their safety, well-being, and customer experiences, and is independently judged by the Purple Flag adjudicators. Canterbury has received this award for the 11th consecutive year, solidifying its reputation for safety nationally.
Additionally, we are part of the Safer Streets campaign, which brings together 10 different projects across the city to prevent Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG). As a group partner, Canterbury Street Pastors has received funding from the home office to further our position in the city.
The Best Bar None awards are similar to the Purple Flag Scheme but focus on bars and venues in the city. In its first year, 19 venues signed up, and Canterbury Street Pastors was recognized for their ‘Outstanding Contribution to the Night-time Economy’.
Overall, we are honored to be part of these groups and partnerships. Through our involvement, we aim to bring Christ and maintain Christian influence in the city.