“Please pass on our thanks and our gratitude to the Street Pastors who supported our 22 year old son last night in Cheltenham. He said they were really kind and found him a taxi home. Without your help it could have been much worse.” (Parent)
“My sincere thanks to the lady and gentleman that I met in Regent Street for looking after my son. Your work is much appreciated and we will be making a donation to the cause.” (Parent)
“It has been the most amazing ecumenical project I have ever seen, with Christians from a wide variety of Churches working together in perfect harmony.” (Street Pastor)
“Being a Street Pastor is one of the most amazing and rewarding things I have ever done and it is wonderful to see how God leads us to the people that need help.” (Steet Pastor)
“When you are out on the streets you really feel a tangible sense of God’ s presence which guides you to people in need and equips you for the things you need to do” (Street Pastor)
“The response of the people on the street has been overwhelming, with the majority of people wanting to offer their heartfelt thanks and support for what we are doing.” (Street Pastor)
“I used to be fearful of all young people but now realise they are, with very few exceptions, lovely people who are looking out for each other. I feel quite differently now and no longer feel a fear about going out into Cheltenham in the evening” (Street Pastor)
“My first time as a Street Pastor was amazing! So many of the young people told us how much they appreciated what we did. One young person said that we give peace on the streets. It was such a huge blessing and complete privilege that God has chosen to use me in this way.” (Street Pastor)
“It is reassuring to have people out there who care and someone you could go to if anything did happen” (Clubber)
“I just wanted to say a massive thank you to the Street Pastors in Cheltenham last night who helped me with my sister who was extremely inebriated. Thanks to them we had water, flip flops and a blanket and managed to get home safe and sound. Once again thank you for all the wonderful work you do within the community.” (Clubber)
“Street Pastors help to make Cheltenham a safe place. They act as a safety net to pick up vulnerable people who may be casualties of the night time economy”. (Police Inspector)
“Street Pastors found two men in an alley suffering from intoxication on a night when temperatures were about minus 6 degrees. The men were very cold and an ambulance was called. They helped save a life that night as the men would have been found dead in the morning.” (Police Inspector)
“We were incredibly impressed with the passion and commitment that you and your fellow Street Pastors demonstrate within Cheltenham. It is reassuring to hear about the excellent structures that you have in place to ensure you and your colleagues are as well equipped as possible to deliver the care, help and listening ear so many people benefit from as a result of your excellent work in addition to the well directed prayers. We are in no doubt that the work you do significantly contributes to people having a safer night out in Cheltenham and this certainly extends beyond what the police would otherwise deliver.” (Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner)