About Us

The Street Pastors Initiative is an interdenominational Christian response

to crime and disorder which aims to integrate those on the fringe of society and to share God’s love with those on the highways and byways.

Street Pastors go out most Friday nights. Teams of between four and six Street Pastors are out on the streets between 8pm and 11pm on a Friday visiting those areas where we know people will be.

With more trained Street Pastors additional areas could be visited and key locations visited more frequently.

Once out on the street, Street Pastors interact with whoever they meet – exchanging a friendly word or getting into a deeper conversation. The Street Pastor is there to get to know people in the community and to build relationships in order to find out their needs and what can be done to help them.

Someone may want prayer because they are trapped in prostitution or addiction.

Someone may be given help to get home safely.

A person who is addicted to alcohol or drugs may be set on the road to recovery by a referral to the Crossroads drug rehabilitation centre.

A person who is angry and aggressive may be calmed down by a combination of gentle talking through and resolving of their problems and silently offered prayer.

A homeless person may be given some food and a drink and we are grateful to Subway for the support that they give us with this.

The role of a Street Pastor is not about preaching, but is one of caring, listening and helping—working in an unconditional way sharing God’s love.