Please contact us via email or phone if you’re interested in joining. We will get you started in training as soon as possible and then run you through our next Roles & Responsibilities class to get you out on patrol.
We are always looking for Prayer pastors to go in our weekly rotation! You can pray from home, or come to our base and be in prayer together and hear about the patrol night as it unfolds!
The churches our volunteers come from include/have included:
#All Souls Church
#Crosspoint church (formerly Bangor Baptist)
#Bangor Advent Christian
East Orrington Congregational
#*New Hope CRC
#*First Assembly of God
New Life Church Old Town
Orrington UCC
The Mansion
North Brewer Eddington UMC
Grace UMC
Winterport Baptist
River City Wesleyan
St. Patrick’s Episcopal, Brewer
*Salvation Army
*Hermon Baptist
*Imago Dei Anglican
* currently no volunteers from these churches
#initial signing church