Hi, I was out on the 1st of March and my friend was extremely drunk and was in a bad way. She was unable to walk and was being violently sick, and me and my other friend were panicking and didn’t know what to do as we couldn’t move her and she was getting worse.

Then two of your street pastors approached us, offered her a bottle of water, flip flops to walk in instead of her heels and a lift to your alcohol treatment centre in a little church. We all went there with her and she was looked after and cared for, and they made sure we had a safe way to get home.

I’m just writing to say how grateful and thankful me and my friends are. We can’t express enough how amazing you are and how amazing what you do is. My friend will be so cautious about what she drinks now and you made us all realise how dangerous being in that state can be, so I just wanted to say thank you from all of us, you really are all amazing. Thank you to all the street pastors and the paramedics in the treatment centre, we can’t express how thankful we are.