December 2022 marked 10 years of the Bathgate Street Pastors and we hope to continue in the future to meet with the folks in our community and are able to Listen, Care and Help in many different ways bringing the love of Jesus to the Streets of Bathgate in a practical way.
Thank you to all our supporters and all those in the street Pastors team that give up their valuable time in coming out in all weathers to patrol the streets to ensure people are safe.
We have had to say goodbye to a few friends over the last year who have gone on to pastures new, we thank them for their help and support and wish them well in the future.
We thank God for the opportunity to do his work in the streets and pray he continues to create opportunities for us to share our faith with others in Practical ways.
We wish you all a Very Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year for 2023, we hope that all your dreams hold true for you in 2023.
Many Blessings
Malcolm- Team Coordinator