New Funding
The trustees and coordinator have been busy over the summer preparing an application to be part of a city-wide bid to address violence against women and girls (VAWG) We are pleased to announce that we were successful in our bid and are moving forward with plans to increase our presence on the streets.
Below is an extract from our bid summary:
‘Canterbury Street Pastors will work over the next 18 months to recruit and sustain an extra 10 street Pastors in order to increase the patrol numbers initially on a Saturday night (with the option to expand to a second evening/night), equip the new and current patrols with new and appropriate uniforms, comms equipment and resources for each patrol. The bid also includes funding for a media and engagement officer to assist with recruitment, marketing and fundraising in order to increase our volunteer base. The extra patrol numbers will ensure that there is a greater physical presence on the streets, (Two mobile teams and/or an additional patrol night) and should the safety van/hub be included in the wider bid an opportunity to provide a presence at this vehicle throughout the night. Street Pastors are a very visible and well-known organisation to the public and workers in the night-time economy in Canterbury. They are seen as a safe and ‘neutral’ entity who are able to provide practical help and safety. Their presence has been acknowledged as a deterrent to ASB. Anecdotally, patrols in Canterbury have often been actively sought out by women and girls and night-time economy staff to assist with their wellbeing, helping to reach home, deterring unwanted attention and calling for assistance when the situation is beyond the patrols resources to respond effectively and safely. ‘
New Trustees
We are excited to announce the addition of two more trustees to add to our team. We are pleased to welcome David Lavender and Philip Honeybone. They have graciously agreed to join the team bringing a wealth of experience and knowledge to help us achieve our ambition to grow the CSP team, being a greater presence for Jesus on the streets of Canterbury.
You can help us achieve this ambition
The successful bid will allow us the resource to grow our team, but we need your help:
- Might you or someone you know like to explore becoming a Street Pastor and/or Prayer Pastor?
- Invite them to contact Andrew Pantling for more information and a chance to observe a patrol.
- Would your church or organisation like a talk from our team about the work of Canterbury Street Pastors?
- We have been to many Churches this year so far, to promote the work of Canterbury Street Pastors. Places like St Thomas’ Catholic Church, Vineyard, City Church, Canterbury Baptist Church, St Andrew’s Methodist, All Saints Church, St Cosmos and St Damian’s Blean and Barton Church. They have all been very welcoming and interested in the work we do
- Contact Andrew to book us in! ·
- Consider joining our board of trustees or recommend someone you know. Email our Chair of Trustees for more information: ·
- Would you like to become a regular giver?
- Even small amounts, given each month make a huge difference. Our treasurer would be glad to speak with you further:
- Please pray for us. For the teams on a Saturday night and taking the Lord’s words seriously in Matthew 9
‘When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
We are recruiting!
We are looking to appoint a committed Christian as Engagement Officer for Canterbury Street Pastors.
This is a fixed term position for 12 months with the possibility to extend should funding allow. The post is based on flexible working of 12 hours per week, £6,854.50 pa, as a consequence of participating in a successful bid for funding from the Home Office by a consortium of local organisations, Canterbury Safer Streets, we are able to fund the appointment of an Engagement Officer. This appointment will support the achievement of our bid objectives; to raise the profile of Canterbury Street Pastors in the City, recruit 10 new Street Pastors and raise funds to sustain the increased presence in the town.
Interested or know someone who is?
Email Liz Jenkins our chair of trustees for more information