My Street Pastors Experience – Hilary

We’ve been interviewing some of our volunteer Street Pastors to hear about what being a Street Pastor is really like. This week, we spoke to Hilary. Hi Hilary! Tell us a bit about yourself: I am a retired Speech and Language Therapist, my husband Neil is also a Street...

Interview with CH1ChesterBID

We’ve recently been getting in touch with some of the other organisations that we partner with to see what they have to say about Chester Street Pastors. Nicholas White from CH1ChesterBID, answered some questions for us:   How is your organisation linked...

Training – Part 2

Elaine, one of our Trustees who is responsible for Street Pastor training, writes this week about how our Street Pastors are trained. How initial training happens: For new volunteers it begins with the opportunity to join two Friday or Saturday night patrols in...