This week, Ken, one of the trustees, continues our series on the cost of a Street Pastor.
This is the third in this four part series in which I am concentrating on the attributes of a Street Pastor.
As you would expect, Street Pastors are aiming to be representatives of Jesus Christ on the street, caring for the people we meet. This can take many different forms. I am writing this having just returned home from church where this morning’s reading was Luke 10:25-39 – the parable of the Good Samaritan. The parable finishes with Jesus telling us to “go and do likewise”. We as Street Pastors are trying to do just that – whether that is providing a listening ear to someone feeling upset or unloved after a breakdown of a relationship, helping someone who has had a bit too much to drink to get home safely, offering free flip flops to a someone with sore feet from walking in unsuitable shoes or providing first aid to someone after a fall or an attack.
All of the above are regular entries on a team leaders report. We are doing all of these in the name of Jesus, we try to offer kindness and sympathy to all whoever we meet without being judgemental. It occurs to me that ideal attributes for a Street Pastor would be caring, helpful, good listeners and friendly. I am reminded that all we do we do it in love because we are loved by a God who was prepared to give all to save us. So often while out on patrol we are thanked by people for what we do and in the way that we interact with other agencies. Our links with other organisations have developed over the years with police, health services and the licensed trade, who are all happy to work alongside us and give us support.
If you would like to find out more, please get in touch and perhaps think about coming out as an observer to see for yourself what we do and if it is for you!