Steve, one of our Street Pastor Team Leaders, interviewed John Kirkland, Vicar at All Saints, Hoole to talk about Chester Street Pastors. Here’s Steve’s report:
We chatted about the impact that having 5 Street Pastors in the church family was making. There was a real understanding of how God has worked through the Street Pastors on the streets. John had noticed that the Street Pastors had grown in confidence and demonstrated empowerment, and he noted that Street Pastors had been part of All Saints continuing development in its call to become an even better neighbour. There was a real sense that the faith and enthusiasm of the Street Pastor group spilt over into the rest of the congregation. It was noted that the example of Street pastors had been used in sermons, that they had featured as part of the Frontline Focus in the 10:45 service, and were constantly in the church family’s prayers. We chatted about John coming out to see what we did, and he promised to join an early race shift patrol this summer, there could be some holding of feet to the flames needed!