We have been regularly meeting as a management team, with local Street Pastor initiatives, Council and Police discussing how and when we will return. It has not been an easy task and we are not alone, many of the local Street Pastors schemes have been reviewing what they are doing. Only a couple have very recently returned but are working slightly differently.
The Trustees and voluntary coordinator met this week and have a plan on how and when we will be returning to the streets of Chester. We are planning on making some big changes in the way we operate, which has come from prayer and careful consideration. In the next month we are meeting with our local partners and Street Pastor Volunteers to discuss our plans.
For us to resume our work we do need a couple of key things we need:
- Funding – there are a number of existing partners who have already informed us they are unable to continue support. With the planed proposal this could reduced funding from the council. So please pray that God will show us new funding sources.
- Help with administration – we no longer have an administrator and a couple of key trustees. We really need a couple of people to help us. They need some basic computer skills and be able to give about 30 mins to 1 hour of their time each week. If you or you know someone who could help us then please do contact us using the contact us page.
Please pray for the Trustees for wisdom and guidance at this time.
August 2021