

Coleraine Street Pastors is a registered charity and a limited company which is run by a management team of Trustees, representing 15 local Partner Churches.
More than half of the trustees are also active street pastors or prayer pastors. Trustees carry responsibility for the work of Coleraine Street Pastors.

A Partner church:

  • Helps with management (1 or 2 reps per church )
  • Prays for our work, supports us and stays in touch
  • Gives an annual subscription
  • Spreads the word about Street Pastor events and training
  • Encourages their members to support us and be involved

We also have a Police and PCSP representative, a Housing Executive representative and a local councillor who meet with our management team.

Running of Street Pastors



The day to day running of Coleraine Street Pastors is done by a Co-ordinator.





The co-ordinator is supported by our Administrator Gillian Anderson.  

There is also a team of volunteers who carry responsibility for different jobs, such as organising training, seeing to uniforms, sending out reminder texts, organising speaking invitations, etc.

Our Administrator normally works for Coleraine Street Pastors one day a week, currently on a Wednesday, and can be contacted by email:

Gillian manages our Street Pastor rota, databases and records. She also supports the trustees in the maintaining /implementing of our policies.