Doncaster Street Pastors
Welcome to the website of the Doncaster Street Pastors.
We are part of the international Street Pastors network, dedicated to serving those out late at night on the streets of Doncaster.
We are committed to bringing the love of Jesus in practical ways to those in need. Our pastors patrol the streets of central Doncaster in teams of three every Saturday night, as well as on bank holiday Sundays, race nights during Leger week, Mad Friday and other special occasions. By caring, listening, and helping – through providing free flip-flops to ladies walking bare-foot, or water to those needing it, or giving first aid to the injured, or accompanying vulnerable people to safety, or simply listening to those who want to talk – we aim to keep the people of Doncaster safe when having a night out in town, and to share the love of Jesus with all whom we meet.
We do not go out to preach. We simply go out to share God’s love by helping people be safe, and enjoy their night out. However, should people ask, Street Pastors will share their faith whilst on patrol Since we started patrolling in December 2011, we have had contact with over seventeen-and-a-half thousand people and helped nearly eleven-and-a-half thousand. For more information about Street Pastors in Doncaster, click on the “About Us” tab.
Awards 2014 “Partnership Working
Award 2014” from South Yorkshire Police
2016 High Sherriff of South Yorkshire’s award for work in the community
2016 “Partnership Working Award 2016” from South Yorkshire Police
2023 South Yorkshire Police (Doncaster District) “Community Spirit / Volunteer of the Year Award 2023”
Doncaster Street Pastors is a company limited by guarantee.
Registered in England, Company Number 07799218.
Registered Office: Hall Gate United Reformed Church, Hall Gate, Doncaster, DN1 3NG
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Doncaster Street Pastors’ presented to king charles iii
On Wednesday 9th November 2022, Rod Morrison, our Coordinator, had the privilege of representing Doncaster Street Pastors at a civic reception in Doncaster Mansion House for King Charles and the Queen Consort. The reception was held to celebrate the conferring of City status on the Borough of Doncaster.
Rod was one of many representatives from 60 local voluntary organisations and charities working and supporting people across the Borough. The King spoke with half the representatives whilst the Queen Consort spoke with the other half, each having a word with every individual in their line.
King Charles had clearly heard of Street and through Rod he thanked all our volunteers for what we do, saying “Keep up the good work”
Representatives of local voluntary organisations and charities waiting for the King and Queen Consort to arrive
People have said that it was an honour to meet the king. However, Rod said that the honour was representing all the Doncaster Street Pastors’ volunteers. They are the ones who are out on the streets every Saturday come rain or shine – though we don’t get a lot of shine late at night; either that, or volunteers are supporting the Street Pastors in their prayers every week.
To see reporting of the visit, click this link: Crowds welcome Charles and Camilla as Doncaster officially becomes a city (
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From Our Blog
South Yorkshire Police Awards 2023
In 4th May 2023, coordinator Rod Morrison, on behalf of Doncaster Street Pastors, was presented with an award from the Doncaster District of South Yorkshire Police at an Awards Ceremony at Mount Pleasant Hotel in Doncaster The citation for the award read as follows:...
Street Pastors patrol during the Coronation of King Charles lll
On Saturday 6th May 2023, for the King’s Coronation in Central London, 100 street pastors from all corners of Great Britain were deployed on the Coronation procession route. Doncaster Street Pastors were represented by David and Adrian, who along with colleagues from...
King Charles III honours Doncaster Street Pastors
On Wednesday 9th November 2022, Rod Morrison, our Coordinator, had the privilege of representing Doncaster Street Pastors at a civic reception in Doncaster Mansion House for King Charles and the Queen Consort. The reception was held to celebrate the conferring of City...