Welcome to Evesham Street Pastors. We are out on either Fridays or Saturday and “Super Sundays” – that’s the Sundays preceding a Bank Holiday Monday – listening, caring and helping on the streets of Evesham. A multi-church initiative backed by Churches Together in Evesham and District (CTED). Please check our Facebook page for each week’s details. If you are interested in finding out more about our work, or are interested in becoming a Street Pastor, please Contact Us.
Our work as Street Pastors enables us to meet with hundreds of people who are out enjoying the nightlife of Evesham. We give out dozens of bottles of water, flip-flop and lots of lollies. We also have many conversations; sometimes we are able to help or point people in the direction of specific organisations who can assist with the challenges of everyday life. In these are difficult times we are unable to help with water and flip-flops. However we are still here and still thinking about and praying for those people we meet regularly whilst on patrol. If, at this time, we can help, do email us on evesham@streetpastors.org.uk and we will do our best.
Update January 2022: With the numbers of Covid-19 Omicron variant now rising across the whole country, we have to be quite cautious when on patrol, so many of us now wear masks when we are in close proximity to people. We do strongly encourage everyone to be vaccinated as this has certainly been shown to reduce the severity of infections and we pray that, as the year progresses, the rates will come down and that we can see and meet people in Evesham more freely. Keep safe, everyone!
Evesham Street Pastors is a Registered Charity, No. 1156750