A Street Pastor is someone from the Christian community who is willing to care, listen and help, particularly people who have found themselves disenfranchised and/or marginalised from society. A Street Pastor is willing to engage with people in an open and non-judgmental manner, whatever their situation.

The Street Pastor is there to get to know people in the community and to build relationships in order to find out their needs and offer support or guidance. Street Pastors must gain the credibility of the community, so that the community knows that the Church has come to them.

On a typical patrol a Street Pastor team can –

  • Help bring calm to aggressive situations:
  • Support vulnerable people in different situations
  • Give a listening ear to those who want or need to talk
  • Give out flip-flops to young women to prevent injury to their feet from broken glass
  • Give out bottles of water
  • Give blankets to people at risk of exposure/hypothermia
  • Clear away broken or discarded bottles or glass to remove potential weapons or sources of injury
  • Attend anti-social incidents

Every week we give out lollipops and these help reduce tension and build friendships and these open opportunities for discussion. Talking to people who are lonely, stressed or despondent is one of the great opportunities we have. We have over 1500 significant conversations each year and provide contact details where expert help is needed.

For more information, or if you would like to join us, please Contact Us.