Exeter Street Pastors
Exeter Street Pastors started in 2009 and currently have approx. 60 volunteers with over 20 different churches represented.
We can be found out and about in Exeter city centre every Saturday night and every other Friday night.
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Our 10th Anniversary Celebration
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Exeter Street Pastors deploy every Saturday and every other friday
we are here to help and serve the people of exeter
From Our Blog
New Training Course Announced for Spring 2024
Exeter Street Pastors will be running a full training programme in Spring 2024. The numbers of Street Pastors have been steadily rising and teams now deploy two Fridays of the month and every Saturday. The aim is to deploy every Friday and Saturday, so more Street...
Exeter Street Pastors are back!
We are planning to be back on the streets on Saturday nights, starting on Saturday 19th September. Students.... Welcome to Exeter, we hope you have a great time whike you're with us. Please come and say hi and have a chat, we’ve missed you, but let’s all keep safe by...
Could you fundraise for ESP?
Exeter Street Pastors is a registered charity and so does not receive regular financial support and is therefore dependant on grants and generous gifts from a number of groups and individuals. All donations help to keep our teams out on the streets every Friday and...