We would love you to consider joining Exeter Street Pastors as a Street Pastor, a Prayer Pastor (supporting the Street Pastors at night) or a prayer supporter from home.
Street Pastors and Prayer Pastors
Are you … ?
- Over 18?
- A regular attender of a local church?
- Able to provide a positive reference from the leader of the church?
- Able to clear a DBS Check?
And are you also … ?
- Committed to the Christian faith?
- Committed to the Street Pastors ethos?
- Committed to developing a non-judgmental attitude towards others?
- Committed to showing unconditional love to anyone and everyone?
Home Supporters
Are you … ?
- Over 18?
- Of good standing in the community?
- In agreement with the Street Pastors ethos?
- Committed to praying regularly or financially supporting the work of Exeter Street Pastors?
Please contact us to discuss the possibility of joining Exeter Street Pastors!