Street Pastors Logo

Inverness Street Pastors

Want to help us?

Want to help us?

Photograph: James Glossop for The Times


Thank you! We really appreciate it when people want to help. We are a registered charity, relying on donations and attracting volunteers from local churches who either want to join our street teams or our prayer teams. If you want to give a donation, talk about corporate sponsorship, learn more about volunteering, or share some ideas then we’d love to hear from you. We’re also very happy to visit any group that you represent and share with you about our work.


If you’d like to help us with the PPE that we now need on our patrols, then a donation of as little as £1 will make a difference. Simply TEXT “PASTORS 1” to 70085 (or change the 1 to however much you’d like to give). Your mobile phone operator will charge you for a standard rate message in addition to your donation.


And once again, thank you! It is our joy to serve and without you we couldn’t do it.