To join as a Street Pastor:
LSSP Application Form Apr14  as a PDF (to print out and complete by hand)
LSSP Application Form Apr14  as a MS Word file. Download, type into and email in.


Leamington Spa Street Pastors Constitution

Leamington Spa Street Pastors Rules v1


Leamington Spa Street Pastors Mission Statement
Our mission is to train volunteers drawn from Christian churches of different denominations to create a more peaceful, safe and harmonious environment for those of the public out at night.
We typically patrol the streets of Leamington Spa on given nights of the week providing a listening ear, practical help and where possible meeting those needs that present themselves, particularly from the most vulnerable or marginalised. We are non-judgemental and will give time and help to anyone and everyone we meet. We work in partnership with the police, local councils and a range of voluntary and statutory organisations in order to reach and help all those in need.
The gospel is the reason for what we do and shapes our actions. As regards our words, we will share our faith if invited to by those we meet.

The Street Pastors Ethos
a) A Street Pastor’s role is not to preach or evangelise, but to be the Gospel, though they should always be ready to share their faith if invited to do so. A Street Pastor’s calling is to listen, care and provide practical help on a non-judgemental basis to anyone and everyone they meet on the streets of a local area.

b) Street Pastors should help and support anyone and everyone without discrimination on grounds of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, disability, religion, political persuasion or any other reason.

c) Street Pastors should conduct themselves in a manner reflective of the compassion and dignity of Christ; use common sense and good judgment; and refrain from any conduct or activity which is illegal, unethical, inappropriate or otherwise damaging to the reputation of Street Pastors. Street Pastors should not express views, use language or display materials which other people might reasonably find offensive.

d) Street Pastors should respect, and are courteous towards, those with whom they work, stakeholders, those they help and the general public. In particular, Street Pastors should respect differences in custom, culture and religion and accommodate those differences as far as possible in the delivery of our services.