Apr 25, 2016 | Blog/Commentary, News
Today is my last day as the coordinator for Luton Street Pastors, so I wanted to share a message of thanks to all those who have supported me and worked alongside me for the last year and a half. I have really enjoyed working with such amazing volunteers and members...
Mar 21, 2016 | Blog/Commentary
Back in November, local authorities around the country took part in a ‘rough sleepers count’. They, alongside CCTV and many partner agencies, tried to capture a ‘snapshot’ of how many people our sleeping rough in our towns and cities. A date...
Feb 22, 2016 | News, Newsletter
Follow this link: Luton Street Pastors Newsletter February 2016 for our latest news. If you want to received this newsletter direct to your inbox, or via post, please contact luton@streetpastors.org.uk to be added to our mailing list.
Dec 7, 2015 | News, What's happening
We’ve recently received some wonderful support from our friends at Love Luton, including funding and an award, and so we were really glad when they asked if they could send their photographer out with one of our patrols. Ben (http://athinplace.co.uk/) spent a...
Nov 14, 2015 | What's happening
This morning Luton Street Pastors had training around our Local Community. We gathered in the midst of the emerging story of the shootings and attacks in Paris. In the shock of this devastating news, we met to discuss our local issues around conflict and building...
Oct 24, 2015 | Prayer, What's happening
You are invited to join in with a national week of prayer 24th – 31st October for Street Pastors nationally and locally. In Luton, our coordinator Ros will be using this week to share the message of Street Pastors and tell people about the wonderful work of our...
Oct 12, 2015 | News, Newsletter
Luton Street Pastors Autumn Newsletter 2015 We are happy to release our latest newsletter. Inside are details of exciting fundraising, fascinating stats and opportunities for prayer. Please follow the link above to download and have a look for yourself.