If you find a Rough Sleeper in Merton, the following are the places/actions we would suggest you take to see if you can help them:
- Report them to Street Link by filling in a referral form online, www.streetlink.org.uk, or by calling 0300 500 0914.
- Make sure they know about the Faith in Action Homeless Drop-in Centre. mertonfaithinaction.org. This runs every Wednesday and Friday from 10am to 3pm at the Salvation Army Hall, 109 Kingston Road, South Wimbledon, SW19 1LT.
- In the Winter months (December, January, February) there is the Merton Winter Night Shelter. You can call this number 020 8544 6697 to see if they have any spaces open for Rough Sleepers.
- Encourage them to visit the Council at the Civic Centre in Morden to talk to a Housing Options Advisor about their situation.