To Northampton Street Pastors


To Northampton Street Pastors

Northampton Street Pastors

Welcome to our site. We hope you’ll find useful information about us and what we do. Keep up to date with what we’re doing by clicking on the ‘News’ tab. We post which nights the Street Pastors are out in Northampton at the bottom of this page.

Join us for prayer…. please visit our Prayer Page.

Support us with a donation…please visit our Funding Page

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Street Pastors – Facebook page ‘Northampton Street Pastors’ & Twitter ‘@NorthamptonSP’

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National News

Check out the International Street Pastors website.

From Our Blog

Welcoming our new team members

On Friday 20th January 2023 we welcomed two new Street Pastors and a transfer from Taunton Street Pastors. It was a joyous evening with much to celebrate as we approach our 15th Anniversary. [gallery...

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We’re recruiting, Open evening Wednesday 25th May

Are you being called to serve? #JointheStreetPastors You are warmly invited to our Street Pastors Open Evening on Wednesday 25th May, 7.30pm at Broadmead Community Church. Please register your place by emailing us northampton@streetpastors.org.uk

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