We met a young man on Mutley Plain who came up to us announcing he didn’t believe in Jesus Christ but he was really interested in aliens and did we want to discuss them with him? No prizes for guessing that no we did not, so we politely said that we needed to carry on patrolling and continued our walk.

Some time later we met him again – he was still keen to discuss aliens and (before we could get away!) told us that as a young boy he’d had an encounter which for him had proved their existence. He referred to this several times to the point where (very reluctantly) we asked him if he wanted to tell us about it.

He needed no further invitation and as he unfolded the tale it was clear to us that he’d actually had a demonic encounter and still carried a deal of fear from it so we tentatively offered to pray for him to which he readily agreed. We prayed asking the Lord to take away anything “untoward” that had got in at that time and to bless him with His peace

“The fear’s gone” he exclaimed with a huge I’ve-just-sobered-up-as-well smile! He couldn’t stop thanking and hugging us and went away a delighted and changed man. I went away thinking how amazing that the conversation about aliens that we were trying very hard not to have, turned out to be the key for God’s deliverance for this young man!

If we hadn’t been there……..!!!