The other night, we happened to pass a lassie who I greeted her with my usual Hello, is everything ok with you? Yes, thank you, I’m fine was her cheery reply. We continued to walk in opposite directions but after about twenty paces, without thinking, I found myself turning around and going back to her. I stopped her and asked if she was really all right.

She immediately burst into tears and told us about a serious family situation. We walked with her for some while to give her the time to explain and we were able to ease her concerns and worries by listening to her (and praying via our wonderful prayer pastors). We talked about how her concerns could be reduced and she was able to release some of her fears, realising there was a solution, that there was hope for her family’s situation, which she had seen as hopeless. We encouraged her to contact and meet a friend with whom she could feel safe, leaving her in a far happier state. So, not a particularly sensational incident. We happened to be in the right place to be there for her; Street Pastors are always doing

that…. I was directed to turn without considering it in any way, without a thought. It was a truly God directed moment.