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Street Pastors Portsmouth

As it is, there are many parts but one body. 1 Corinthians 12:20

“We’re all different, we all come together and we work together, but at the same time individually but within the school. So I would say; ‘try and take the plunge, at least attend some training sessions and see how you get on’.” Roger

Reflecting on a successful second year for School Pastors at Charter Academy, we took the opportunity to interview Roger and Sue. As two of our original volunteers; they shared with us their experiences so far, and why they would recommend others to get on board.

Do You Need to Have Experience?

While Sue was “really excited” about getting involved in the initiative because of her previous school nursing experience, Roger had a different starting point:

“I never worked with a school before, but I attended a talk about it at church and I felt that that was where God wanted me to go, even though it was right out my comfort zone and so that’s what I did, I got involved and I’m pleased that I did.” Roger

Leaving Your Comfort Zone.

Sue hasn’t found that comfort zone since!

“The children talk a whole different language, computer games and stuff, that you’re not really au fait with!…it‘s just about listening to them and taking an interest”. Sue

Our School Pastors don’t take understanding and connecting with the children lightly.

While Roger would go home and research online more about what he’s heard about in the playground, Sue remembers the beginning of the year:

“The fidget spinners were quite in fashion! We were getting quite good at that weren’t we?! That’s really learning new skills!” Sue

Sue loves meeting the children, describing the “absolute joy” of chatting to them as they open up about their week, despite the quite complicated lives they often experience, which Roger adds can be “quite shocking” sometimes, though he is careful not to show his shock.

Building Trust Takes Time.

It can take time to gain the trust of the children. Sometimes a smile and a “hello” is all that is possible. But after weeks and months of experiencing an adult that appears consistent, initial suspicions start to fade and they become happier to talk.

“It’s a two way thing”, Sue adds; “sometimes you come in and think “Oh crumbs I’m here again” but by the end of the session you‘re just pleased to hear and talk to the children.”

A NewYear, A New School.

Discussing their imminent move east across the city to encompass our new partnership at Miltoncross Academy, Sue is “looking forward to the new challenge and the chance to meet new people”. Roger sees it as “spreading our wings a little bit” and hopes the message spreads to other schools “on the grapevine”. Sue understands that schools can be a bit apprehensive, wondering if we’re going to preach to people “left, right and centre”. But as Roger reassures;

“We talk to them in a calm way which is not religious based. If they want to talk about religion, then we’re happy to listen. We advertise our religion and the message of Jesus through the way we act. So it’s for everyone.” Roger

It’s from there that the barriers start to fall.

Can You Hear the Call?

The School Pastors weren’t familiar with each other when they started training two years ago. But they are all still going strong now, as a single united team. While our new volunteers look forward to getting started at Charter and Miltoncross Academies this Autumn, perhaps like Roger you hear the call, but also feel the nerves setting in.“Go for it!”, Sue is quick to encourage.

As Paul expressed to the Corinthians, our strength as the Church body and Christ’s bride is in our diversity. We all count. We all have a part to play.