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Street Pastors Portsmouth

15 years of listening, caring and helping in the streets of Portsmouth. We are now asking our volunteers to call upon 15 friends to pledge £1 per week to the work of Street Pastors Portsmouth across 2022/23.

Will you be one of our Street Pastors’ friends this year and pledge just £1 a week to the work of Street Pastors?


We have over 50 volunteer Street Pastors operating in 10 teams and a team goes out on the streets every Friday and Saturday evenings.

As a rough guide it costs around £500 a year to sustain each Street Pastor on the streets of Portsmouth.

This covers their training, uniform, equipment, meetings and ongoing support they get from the Co-ordinator.

We aim to recruit new volunteers and run a training programme once or twice a year and ask that each volunteer commits to being part of a team once every 4 weeks for 2 years.

“It is great to know there are people on the street who care”

Matt 6.21 “Where your treasure is there will your heart be also”

You can support us by Sponsoring a Street Pastor…

In a year:
£3 per month buys flip flops for each team to give out
£5 per month buys the safety blankets/first aidequipment for each team to give out
£10 per month buys the uniform for one Street Pastor
£40 per month buys the uniform and initialtraining for one Street Pastor
£60 per month pays for one Street Pastor to be on the streets of Portsmouth

To make your pledge and begin your ‘Friend of Street Pastors’ journey with us, please complete the two forms in the links below:


‘I’m in!’ – Standing Order Confirmation Form – please click here to confirm to us your pledge via standing order.

Gift Aid – can your donations be gift aided to go even further?


As a thank you, you will receive our seasonal updates on Street Pastors in Portsmouth and we would be happy to visit your church to present on how this support helps in our work.

Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order to provide for urgent needs and not live unproductive lives. Titus 3:14