Street Pastors is a multi church initiative across the Richmond Borough. Christians providing a real response to real issues on the street. To be a visible presence of peace, kindness and Christ’s love on the streets of our town, offering reassurance and help to anyone who has need.
Street pastors are trained volunteers from local churches who care about their community. They patrol in teams of men and women, usually from 10 pm to 2 am on a Friday and Saturday night.
“Street Pastors is about Christians rolling up their sleeves and getting involved in practically responding to the problems of crime and safety. They are like beacons on our streets and I want to see them shining brightly in every constituency.”
David Burrowes MP, Patron of Street Pastors
Here are some thoughts from a Street Pastor in our church family.
‘It was generally a quiet evening, we stopped here and there to chat with people, in particular a young homeless man whose sleeping bag and belongings had been removed. He was given a coffee and a sandwich and directed to Spear for help. It all kicked off at home time at the clubs. There had been an 18th birthday celebration. Crowds of inebriated youngsters can lead to violent outbursts but on this night just good humoured banter! We were able to get most of them into taxis and the rest to the right set of parents waiting patiently in cars a little way off. But on the way home we met the young homeless man again who was most profuse in his thanks for all the help we had given’.