Remembrance Service Parade

We were very honoured to represent to Street Pastors in Rugby at our Remembrance Service Parade on 10th November. Pictured, Bob, Dawn and Pete.

Our two youngest street pastors

Our 2 youngest street pastors (both 18) Charlotte and Anthony who have been with us for the past year They both achieved AAA in their exams ! Charlotte is off to Sheffield University to study medicine Anthony is flying to Minneapolis tomorrow to start an internship at...

PCC provides support

Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire Philip Seccombe continues to provide financial support and encouragement for our Street Pastors.

Rugby Borough ‘Volunteer Awards’ evening

Wednesday 12th June saw Warwickshire CAVA and over 130 guests celebrate the individual and collective achievements of volunteers across Rugby Borough in their first ever ‘Volunteer Awards’ evening which was held at Dunchurch Village Hall. Rugby Street...