Street Pastors Logo

Sittingbourne Street Pastors


To join the Street or Prayer team you need to:

  • Be Christian adult over 18 years of age;

Has been committed to a Christian fellowship for more than a year

  • Undertake a DBS check; (not necessary for Prayer Pastors)
  • Be able to participate in our training programme;
  • Be free to serve at least one Friday or Saturday evening per month current Patrol times are 8pm to 12am.

Our recruitment process includes:

  • Observation with Street Pastors on patrol;
  • Application Form;
  • Informal meeting with Co-ordinator;
  • Two references – one personal & one from your minister / pastor;
  • Assessed patrols during probation period.

Street Pastors will be accepted onto the scheme subject to successful completion of the training programme and a probationary period.

I am interested in becoming a Street / Prayer Pastor. Please mention the name and town of your church together with the name of its lead minister / pastor.

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