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Southwark Street Pastors


Street Pastors Prayer Team

We pray together. It’s the foundation of all that we do.

The first Monday of each month we get together for an hour and pray for our work and for the whole of Southwark. We meet at Rye Lane Baptist Chapel between 7pm to 8pm.

Prayer is a great way of supporting Southwark Street Pastors, especially if you are not able to join us on patrol, and you would be very welcome to join our prayer team. Angela is our prayer coordinator.

Up to date topics for prayer are posted on our News Page


Living God, we praise you for the vision that gave birth to Street Pastors and for every life that has been touched through this movement of your Spirit. We thank you for every street pastor and we pray for them as they share your love with others. We ask for your protection and encouragement, your wisdom and courage and an ever deeper faith in and love for you.

We pray for those they meet week by week in the pubs and clubs, in the late night cafes, on the streets and at the bus stops. May those who are lonely be warmed by your presence; those who are bruised and hurting find healing in your love; those that are ashamed and without hope be set free by your forgiveness and grace.

Lord Jesus Christ, you came to seek and to save the lost. Thank you for the privilege of being your hands and feet, your eyes and your heart where we live. Give us eyes that see as you see, hearts that love as you love, and words that you can use to bring life and peace. And in it all, Lord God, give us thankfulness, generosity and joy in serving you, who to serve is perfect freedom and who to know is Life eternal.

God of Grace, to you be honour, praise and glory, from everlasting to everlasting, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. AMEN!