St Helens Street Pastors will start patrolling every 2nd and 4th Friday of each month in the first instance.
Their inaugural patrol will take place on 23rd December 2016 when the volunteer Street Pastors will take to the town centre streets from 10.45pm until 3.30am. The Street Pastors will be wearing their distinctive uniform and will be easily recognisable, available to help people who are feeling vulnerable in the local night-time economy.
The Street Pastor ethos of providing a caring, helping, listening friend, building relationships and promoting safety will aim to give people that lovely warm Christmas feeling year round.
The helping hand we offer may be as simple as a cheery conversation, a bottle of water, pair of flip flops for the ladies when their feet can’t take those heels any more or help to find a taxi home. As Christian volunteers if you would like us to pray with, or for, you we will do that too, on request.
Street Pastors choose to live out their faith by working to bring Jesus to the streets in a practical way. If you would like to know more, please contact Debbie Williams, St Helens Street Pastor Coordinator to find out more.
Or, alternatively, come along to our commissioning service on 11th December 2016, 6pm at Ormskirk Street, URC, St Helens.
We look forward to meeting you 🙂