Truro Street Pastors
If you are out and about in Truro between 10:30pm on a Saturday until around 03:15am on Sunday morning, you are not alone. We’re here to help however big or small your problem.
Please ask a member of door staff to radio our team for you, or contact us directly on 07577 741 520.

National News
Check out the International Street Pastors website.
News and Messages from Truro Street Pastors:
Walking Home Alone?
Ring Strut Safe on 0333 335 0026. they will stay on the phone with you while you walk. Please let us know how you get on with this service.
Public access defibrillator for the Night-time Economy
We are delighted to be funding a fully maintained and monitored defibrillator to be sited outside Vanilla Nightclub from Friday 25th February 2022. Our sincere thanks to Jason Masters - the owner of Vanilla and Bunters for his generosity in providing both the site...