During September there were:
- 3 Friday night patrols
- 3 Saturday night patrols
- 6 Patrols totalling 31 hours of cover involving 21 Street Pastors
- 13 pairs of flip-flops were given and 450 lollies and Love Hearts
Here are some of the ways Street Pastor teams cared, listened and helped in September:
- Walked a lady home who had fallen over and was upset
- Helped to calm a group of men that were in disagreement over something
- Looked after a young lady that was upset and alone
- Cared for a young lady that had drunk too much
A couple alerted Street Pastors to a group that was getting into a heated debate. Our team spent some time with the group listening to both sides and worked out that it was probably a storm in a teacup with each side misunderstanding the other. Happily we encouraged each side to go their separate ways.
Police requested our help to look after a young lady who had drunk too much and was having difficulty walking. We stayed with her until a family member came to collect her and take her home.
One of our teams found a young lady upset and alone in Wantage. Her brand-new, mum-bought-it, day-old phone got dropped and wasn’t working! Again our team stayed with her until she was collected by her mum.
Another of our teams found a lady sat on the ground who had apparently fallen over and hurt her knee. We offered to walk home with her and were able to support her as she was a little unsteady on her feet.