During April there were:

  • 3 Friday night patrols
  • 3 Saturday night patrols
  • 6 Patrols totalling 31 hours of cover involving 22 Street Pastors
  • 5 pairs of flip-flops given, 14 bottles of water, 4 space blankets and 360 lollies

and Love Hearts

Here are some of the ways Street Pastors cared, listened and helped in April:

  • Listened to a young man’s recent difficulties
  • Helped to calm two aggressive situations
  • Cared for a very drunk man
  • Sought to help a young woman

We were in the right place at the right time to help prevent escalation of two aggressive situations. Two men had had a disagreement with one particularly spoiling for a fight, the other keen to leave the area. However the more aggressive man was restrained by his wife, which resulted in his aggression being turned toward her. Together with their friends, we were able to bring some peace to the situation and ensure that they were soon on their way home in a taxi. It seemed that both situations had flared up from almost nothing!

A very drunk and unwell young man became unresponsive while we were with. A member of the public called for a paramedic while we put him in the recovery position, using an emergency space blanket to help keep him warm. As he recovered, we were able to contact a relative to come and take him home.

Spotting a lone female sat on a kerb we approached and offered some help. She was quite upset and wasn’t sure where she was going to be staying that night as she had been separated from her friends. Unfortunately she declined any help from us. We said that we would check on her later but when we returned she had gone.

Occasionally we meet someone that just needs to talk and one of our teams spent some time with a young man who told them about some of the difficulties he’s facing at the moment.