Like all charities we need support to enable us to do our work, we do not take cash donations whilst on patrol but you can help us by Text Giving:
Some supporters would like to give to us by a regular monthly amount and that can be done by Standing Order from your Bank, a new standing order form will be uploaded soon.
It is possible to give a Legacy through your will, again contact us for more information.
Could you organize a fundraising event for us, do a Marathon, Bungy Jump, Zip Wire, Coffee Morning, please let us know.
In our rucksack we carry water, flip flops, foil blankets, first aid kit, tissues, wet wipes etc, if you can help with supplying any of these we would love to hear from you.
If you would like one of our collecting boxes to help collect for us, contact us and we will arrange to get one too you.
Our gift aid forms are below for your use.