Street Pastors Logo

Taunton Street Pastors

About Us

aboutTaunton Street Pastors welcome you to our new website. Here you will find information about our shifts, our fund raising and our teams.

We are part of a growing national and international team of volunteers first pioneered in 2003. Taunton Street Pastors started patrolling in May 2008.
Street Pastors are trained Christian volunteers from local churches who care about our community.

We are usually on patrol from 10 pm until 2 am every Saturday night, walking around the town centre and staffing ‘Safe Space, a free street cafe offering hot drinks, biscuits and a listening ear.
We also patrol on other occasions such as Taunton’s illuminated carnival in October, the switching on of the Christmas Lights and on Christmas and New Year’s Eves.
We offer a friendly greeting to all those we meet and seek to care, listen and provide practical help within our capabilities to help everyone enjoy their night out and get home safely. .

We are led by a Coordinator and management team and are registered a charity which has support from local churches and community groups in partnership with the police, local council and other statutory agencies.

In October 2014 The Lord Lieutenant of Somerset Lady Gass presented our team with the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Groups in recognition of our service to the community.

If you are interested in finding out more about our work, or are interested in becoming a Street Pastor, please contact us using the details on this page.


Tel: 07773 038 622