Safe Space!
Since September 2022 Stafford Street Pastors have been able to offer a Safe Space for anyone who has become vulnerable during a night out.
The Staffordshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, through the Stafford Borough Council, awarded us a grant to buy and convert a minibus, to create this Safe Space. The funds came from a government grant – SWAN Funding (Safer Women at night)
Since 17th September the Safe Space has had many visitors, some just to chat over a hot drink and wait for their lift or Taxi, others to recover before making their journey home and others to wait in a comfortable warm space for an ambulance.
We love being able to provide this resource for those on a night out, but we also love making hot drinks for Doorstaff, the Taxi Marshals, Paramedics or Police.
Street Pastors are on duty on a Friday and Saturday night in Stafford to Care to Listen and to Help; we continue to walk around the town during our duties, looking out for those who might need us and it is great, when needed to be able to welcome those who need support to our Safe Space!