New Trustees Hannah and Paul

Delighted that in January we had a meeting with new Trustees Hannah and Paul (more soon on the ‘About’ pages). We are still looking for a couple more folk who wish to see us thrive and ensure we are continue to meet the demands on us. Someone to take over...

Continued support from St Paul’s Leamington Spa

For some months we have been supported in prayer by a small group at St Paul’s and have recently been blessed with two donations of £1000. All much needed. We are a volunteer group but do have costs including our part-time coordinator who keeps us organised,...

Thank you Castle Hill Baptist Church

Castle Hill Baptist Church in Warwick decided that half their advent appeal would come to us. We didn’t get a grant this year (2024/25) so we are currently draining reserves. We are greatly appreciative that so many gave so generously so that we received a much...

Still going! Come out with us one night.

News has been slow because locked out of website but we are still going strong! Wondering what’s it’s like at night in Leamington then come out as an Observer and maybe you’ll catch the bug.

Thank you – Life Community Church

Funding is not as solid as it used to be and we need to be more proactive. What a blessing it is then to have a congregation who are supporting us regularly and in a meaningful way. Thank you to Life Community Church in Leamington. We value your practical support but...

Still going strong . . .

We haven’t posted an update for a long while but we’re still out there every Saturday night. We have been blessed with some new volunteers recently but there is room for more! Have a look through our website to see what it’s all about. Come out as an...

Leamington Street Pastors Trustee needed

Please have a look at the Trustee part of the ‘Ways to help’ page. Make contact and let’s have a chat. Our Coordinator ‘fronts’ our organisation and manages day-to-day operations with the Trustees meeting half a dozen times a year or so....

10th Birthday

Our 10th birthday and how are things? We have 4 of our original volunteers left. So where have the others come from . . . . .they have joined along the way having seen the need and also experienced the rewarding and friendly nature of patrol nights. Not sure...

Moving forward, or is it back?

A step forward as we say thank you to Dale Street Methodist Church for acting as a base for our patrols during Covid times and some excitement as we move back to our original base after such a long gap.