The fields are very white for harvest but where are the labourers?

Exciting times are being offered to Bideford Street Pastors but we do not have enough volunteers to take advantage of them. Recent meetings with the Town Partnership and Police have highlighted the continuing need for our presence at weekend evenings but also afternoons during the week.

Since starting in 2009, Bideford Street Pastors and School Pastors has provided a supporting presence in the town; firstly during the evening and night-time economy (ENTE) but also at daytime events.

During nearly 15 years of caring, listening and helping we have

  1. been credited with enabling a reduction in anti-social behaviour of more than 50%.
  2. engaged with hundreds of people needing support and
  3. even be credited with physically saving several lives.

There have been a lot of faith based conversations too; a privilege afforded to us by our Lord and the people we meet.

Street Pastors are church members who have a caring heart to take the love of Jesus into the community. People are pleased to see us when we patrol and continually thank us for being there for them. We provide the training, uniform and the tools you will need.

Our active volunteer base has shrunk due to a combination of retirement after long service, illness and promotion (to glory!).

To keep this valuable Christian outreach going we need to recruit up to 20 additional Street Pastors and several Prayer Pastors. Yes, to keep going we need you!

Apply now…..