Les Isaac Speaks
Les Isaac spoke to the Street Pastor Kingston 9th Year anniversary celebration, it was inspiring and challenging and authentic Les. If you missed the evening click below to listen.An initiative between Street Pastors Kingston, LAS, The Samaritans, Kingston First, MPS and the local church, Safe & Sound is running throughout December on Friday and Saturday nights from 9pm to 5.30am. It will be a safe place for night time users to go to for safety, comfort a place to chill and to chat. There will also be an Alcohol Recovery Centre staffed by LAS and a vehicle to convey those incapable of getting there to it. This is an initiative four years in the making and is aimed at keeping the night time users safe. Safe & Sound will also be open Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve
Best Bar None Awards
In 2013 Street Pastors Kingston were awarded the Best Contribution to the Night Time economy. This year the Best Bar None awards are being held at Pryzm Night Club on November 4th and you are invited, fun starts at 7.30pm
Street Pastor Training Day
A day of extra training is taking place at St. Peter’s Church on Saturday 8th November, starting wit breakfast at 8am, do come and hear all that happening with Street Pastors and some great teaching on Islam, Science and Faith and spend time with friends.
Christmas Dinner
This year our Christmas diner is taking place at Strada on the 9th December, 7pm for 7.30pm. Places are going fast so book in as soon as possible, neighbours, relatives, friends and church friends encouraged to come….you can even invite your minister!!!!!
Street Pastors Kingston Ebaying!!!
Why not visit the Street Pastor Kingston Ebay site at http://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/jackinpau, some great items and as you purchase you support the local Kingston team.