Topic | Number |
Conversations with 18- 25 | 109 |
Conversations with 25- 40 | 138 |
Conversations with over 40’s | 55 |
Conversations with door staff | 28 |
Conversations with police | 1 |
Conversations with CCTV | 1 |
Conversations with ambulance service | 1 |
Food handed out | 30 |
Clothes handed out | 60 |
Handing out directions | 14 |
Bottles of water | 14 |
Flipflops | 16 |
Lollies | 46 |
Blankets | 3 |
First Aid | 3 |
Transport arranged | 10 |
Signposted to other agencies | 4 |
Bottles collected | 805 |
Volunteer hours | 256 |
This Year we have offered the city over 256 volunteer hours supporting the many agencies working in the nighttime economy.
In that time 805 bottles were collected which could have been turned into dangerous weapons. Removing these bottles contributed to the safety of all people using the city. Alongside this we have handed out over 200 spikeys and foil tops which stop drinks being spiked, hence keeping people safe.
Our focus has been particularly on ensuring the safety of females. We have arranged transport 10 times this year making sure single females arrived home safely. We have also handed out 16 pairs of flipflops to stop females walking around the city in bare feet. This has prevented injuries to all these people and reduced the number of people attending A & E.
We handed out over 60 pieces of clothing to people who required additional items as well as offering food and drink and a friendly chat.
Over all we had 302 meaningful conversations where we heard a little of the stories of the people we met. We offered a listening ear and compassion and where appropriate we prayed with them or offered reassurance.
In over 90% of interactions that required support we were able to resolve the issues presented. This may have included offering directions, getting people back in touch with their friends, getting people sober, getting people home and dealing with minor first aid incidents.
Alongside these sessions we have been supporting the City’s Alcohol Reduction Strategy as well as the Police’s reduction of violence campaign. We have liaised with these agencies offering our insights into what we have experienced in the years we have patrolled on the streets. We have supported the City’s application for Purple Flag status showing that Leicester is a safe city.