Covid-19 update

A further update on our Street & School Pastors teams. Our Coordination team have returned to normal hours. Northampton Street Pastors are operating a reduced service due to a reduction in the number of volunteers available. At the time of writing we have now had...

YouTube channel launched

We have great pleasure in launching our new YouTube channel that includes our first promo video produced by Harvey Fryer. Take a look, click on the image below. On the playlists you will also find links to the Out Tonight campaign videos by our local council which we...

News from our coordination team Covid-19 Pandemic

From April to June looks different now… Thank you for your prayers, and we pray that you are all staying safe and well. So much has changed in our lives and our churches recently because of Covid-19, it is not easy to make plans for the future. In response to...

Welcome to our new School Pastors Coordinator

Welcome to Tim Briggs, our new School Pastors Coordinator. He officially took over from Tracey White on the 1st October. Tim has been a School Pastor for a couple of years. We thank Tracey White for her two years of service as the coordinator. Tracey will continue to...

New Northampton School Pastors website!

Take a look at our new Northampton School Pastors website launched in time for 5 years of the scheme here. The scheme was launched by Northampton Street Pastor and partners in September 2014… Northampton School...

We’re recruiting, join our team

Our Open evening has passed but we are still open for applications until Sunday 17th March. Take a look at our Join us page for more information. Training will start in April 2019

Celebrating 10 years of Northampton Street Pastors

Yippee…This autumn we celebrate 10 years of Northampton Street Pastors. We warmly invite you to join us.. … The service as detailed in the poster below will be followed by a buffet, please RSVP for catering purposes by Sunday 4th...

New Northampton School Pastors website coming soon…

The national School Pastors website has been updated and our local team will have it’s on microsite. We are aiming to launch this in October 2018. Take a look at the new site

Commissioning Service

Please join us as we commission our new team members…. Friday 6th July 2018, 7.30pm at St Giles Church, Northampton