There are 12,000 Street Pastors in UK. Here is why three people in our Richmond team joined up to go out regularly helping the community.

Suzie – Both my parents were Street Pastors and I loved hearing their stories! I waited until my daughter was just old enough to be left alone safely then dived in with the training! I haven’t looked back; seeing my town during the late hours, meeting so many different people, being a blessing on the streets and receiving so much positive feedback from many sources, it’s very humbling and an honour to serve in a London borough as a Street Pastor. I thoroughly recommend it.

Ruth – I wanted to become a Street Pastor if the opportunity arose because some friends of mine in Bedfordshire lost their 17 year old son, their beloved adopted only child, who died tragically on his first night out to visit a pub. I vowed then that if something like Street Pastors arose in Richmond I would volunteer. What I like best about being a Street Pastor is being the visible, non-judgemental, loving presence of Christ on our streets.

Clive – A few years ago, to help out some good friends, I had to be out on the streets of London very late at night. I was struck by how many vulnerable people there were on the street in between the jolly crowds – people lost, lonely, drunk, homeless or upset. This led me to Street Pastors where I get a chance to put my faith into action and build my community with a gentle helping hand just when someone needs it. We never know what is going to happen, but we always meet folks keen to say hello, have a chat or take a lollipop. Sometimes it is obvious how we have helped, other times you’ll never know the benefit of a timely smile or listening to someone’s story at a difficult moment for them. This is what gives me the energy to go out late at night after a busy working week.

We would love to have you join our team in Richmond. Having looked online if you would like to find out more why not join us on patrol for an hour or two? Email us at and we’ll fix a convenient Friday evening.