What do a tipsy girl who’s lost her friends in a night club, a heated but friendly debate about the origins of dinosaurs on a street corner and a “virtual cricket match” (Clubbers vs. Street Pastors) on the high street of Exeter have in common?
All these things have happened during “another ordinary night” in the life of Exeter Street Pastors.
In Exeter Street Pastors we’re excited about taking the presence of Christ onto the streets of our city in practical ways. We’re a team of Christians of all ages and backgrounds from a wide variety of churches and denominations who “care, listen, help” on the streets of the city we call home. We love the local community in Exeter and the opportunity to meet people wherever they are – nightclub, bench or pavement – on a Friday and Saturday night.
If you’re out and about on a Friday or Saturday night then you may see us chatting with a new friend outside one of the city clubs or pubs.
We might be giving a bare-foot girl a pair of pink flip-flops (sorry, they’re a girls-only privilege, but we DO have some lollipops for the guys!) to protect her feet on her journey home.
Or we might be offering support and sympathy to a clubber who is a bit the worse for wear after a night of partying.
Whatever we’re doing, however, we’d love you to come and say hello!