We would love to see more people trained as Exeter Street Pastors and Prayer Pastors. A great way to recruit trainees is to go and visit churches, share our stories with them and be there to answer questions from anyone who might feel called to this work. If you would be interested in talking to a church about Exeter Street Pastors, please email us to let us know at admin.exeter@streetpastors.org.uk.

Toolkit for Presentations

The 3 Minute Presentation These guidelines give you some ideas on what to say if there isn’t much time.

The 5 Minute Presentation These guidelines give you some ideas on what to say, as well as playing the 3 minute film.

The Main Image  The main image, to be put up on screen whilst you talk, can be downloaded by clicking on the image below






The 3 Minute Film – Playing a short film is a great way to give people an idea of the work we do.