Feb 4, 2021 | News
If you are an Amazon shopper you can support Basingstoke Street Pastors as you make your purchases. The Amazon Smile programme means that every time you make a purchase on Amazon 0.5% will be donated to Basingstoke Street Pastors at no cost to yourself. All you need...
Sep 25, 2017 | News
We asked one of our long serving Street Pastors what it means to her to be a Street Pastor on the streets in Basingstoke. This is her amazing response. Street Pastors So, thinking of becoming a Street Pastor? Or Street Pasty, Pastille or Pasta, As they say on the...
Dec 29, 2014 | News
This week has been a very moving and inspiring week for Basingstoke Streetpastors as the team were not only presented with two awards at the Hampshire Police Awards, but we also had a surprise call to say that we had been nominated and were one of the finalists for...
Dec 29, 2014 | News
Basingstoke Street Pastors were delighted to be invited to attend the North Hampshire Police Award Ceremony to collect a police commanders award which read `For the significant support and intervention in patrolling the community and assisting vulnerable people by...
Dec 30, 2012 | News
All of us at Basingstoke Street Pastors would like to wish everyone a very Happy and prosperous New Year. Street pastors and the Safe Hub will be open and Street Pastors will be out on New Year Eve – Have a good time everyone
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