This week, Ken, one of the trustees, continues our series on the cost of a Street Pastor.

As I mentioned in part 1 of this series, there is no monetary cost to an individual Street Pastor in Chester, however running a Street Pastor initiative does have a cost. In fact, although all of our Street Pastors are volunteers, you might be surprised at just how much it does cost – last year our budget was just over £21,000 – that’s approximately £200 for every night we go out. Included in that cost is administrative costs, insurance, our license fee to Ascension Trust (the charity that runs Street Pastors) and our supplies such as first aid kits and flip flops.

At this point I must thank our financial supporters who make it possible for us to keep patrolling and offering our own brand of help on the streets. We are blessed to be supported by local businesses and local authorities along with local churches, however many individuals also like to help us financially.

In conclusion, being a Street Pastor has no monetary cost to the individuals who volunteer, however running Chester Street Pastors as an organisation does require funding.


If you would like to make a donation towards the work of Chester Street Pastors, or if you’d like to give regularly, please get in touch or visit our Get Involved – Give Page here