To Chesterfield Street Pastors


To Chesterfield Street Pastors

Chesterfield Street Pastors

Welcome to Chesterfield Street Pastors and Chesterfield School Pastors.


We are part of a national team first pioneered in 2003, and Street Pastors continues to grow throughout the UK and across the world.


Street Pastors are trained volunteers from local churches and we care about our community.


We patrol on Saturday nights only


We are led by our local coordinator and we also have support from local churches and community groups in partnership with the police, local council and other statutory agencies.


If you are interested in finding out more about our work, or are interested in becoming a Street Pastor, please contact us using the details on this page.

Find Out MoreContact Us


National News

Check out the International Street Pastors website.

From Our Blog

We Need You!

Are you a local Christian looking for a way to outwork the love of God in you by serving your community? Street Pastors serve by being there to listen, care and to help. Get in touch if you would like to be a part of our team. chesterfield@streetpastors.org.uk

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Amazing Answer to Prayer

Last Saturday, our team of Street Pastors were patrolling Chesterfield town centre as usual.  For a Bank Holiday weekend it was very cold and relatively quiet so it looked as if it was going to be an uneventful evening.  They had been to base for a warming cuppa and...

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