Street Pastors are there to listen, to care and to help. They are good listeners and can provide a shoulder to cry on if that’s what you need or will celebrate your good news with you. They will not preach at you but if you have questions they will do their best to give you an answer. Street Pastors are approachable and friendly and they like to chat.
Street Pastors carry a basic first aid kit and blankets to keep a casualty warm if an ambulance is needed. They carry flip flops and lollipops too! Killer heels can live up to their name but taking them off and wandering around Chesterfield barefoot is an accident waiting to happen which is where flip flops come in handy. Lollipops are the Street Pastors secret weapon and have played a part in diffusing potentially hostile situations.
Street Pastors always work in teams and sometimes we have more than one team patrolling the town centre. They are in radio contact with the Street Pastors Base and with CCTV operators so they can respond quickly to situations that arise. Back at base there are a team of Prayer Pastors who are praying for the team through the night.