Each street pastors team includes prayer pastors who gather at base and are in touch with the team that is on the street through mobile phones. They also have a radio that connects them to CCTV operators.
Prayer pastors are committed to praying for street pastors and for incidents that arise in your town while street pastors are on patrol.
Prayer Coordinator
The Prayer Coordinator works closely with the Street Pastor Coordinator assisting with the rota and providing information for the website, social media, management meetings and Ascension Trust.
The Prayer Coordinator sets up a warm and inviting base for Prayer Pastors to pray from when Street Pastors are patrolling. The base also contains prayer aids: prayer books, reflections, blank prayer cards etc to support the Prayer Pastors during their session.
Prayer doesn’t stop when the patrol is finished, the Prayer Coordinator prays for the Prayer Pastors, who in turn pray for allocated Street Pastors, and their families between patrols covering them with prayer and protection. When biblical verses or pictures are to be shared the Prayer Coordinator collates and forwards them on.